1091 Frågespel - QuestionReader

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.io.*;

 * Used to read questions and answers from file.
 * @author Rikard Karlsson 
 * @version 2014-11-04
public class QuestionReader
    private String fileName;

    public QuestionReader(String myFileName)
        fileName = myFileName;
     * Read questions and answers from file. 
     * @return An ArrayList containing objects of the class Question.
    public ArrayList<Question> readQuestions()
        //questions and aswers are read from this file
        //the first line in the file is a question
        //the second line is an answer
        //the third line is a question
        //the fourth line is qn anser
        // and so on

        //a list to store read questions and answers in
        ArrayList<Question> questionBook = new ArrayList<Question>();
            FileReader fr = new FileReader(fileName);
            BufferedReader inFile = new BufferedReader(fr);
            //read the first question and answer
            String question = inFile.readLine();
            String answer = inFile.readLine();
            while(answer != null) //there is more questions and answers
                questionBook.add(new Question(question, answer));
                //read the next question and answer
                question = inFile.readLine();
                answer = inFile.readLine();
        catch(FileNotFoundException nfe)
            System.out.println("File not found");
        catch(IOException ioe)
            System.out.println("error; "+ ioe);
        return questionBook;